Years ago I worked as an evening announcer at a radio station. It happened to be on the campus of a small college. The station was tucked away in the far corner of the property right next to the building was a track. Yah, a running track and it was quite popular.
Sometimes I’d just go outside and watch the runners. I’d think wow, that’s what I call commitment. Running isn’t fun. Running is what you do to get you where you want to go faster than walking. That’s what I thought until one of my friends started to stop by the track.
Every afternoon, like clock work he was there. Running sprints, doing laps. Just working, it wasn’t fun work, but he gutted it out. You see my friend was a hockey player and he knew the game would eat him alive if he didn’t get in condition. He was at the top of his game, and he was still working hard.
That was eight years ago, he’s still playing past 35 and he’s still in all-star shape. For my friend training has kept him strong and kept him around.
Do you want to stick around, do you want to thrive? Commit to positive behaviors that make you a better person. Invest in activities that make your character stronger and get away from things that you know are unhealthy. What’s unhealthy, anything that doesn't make you better.
That could be bad relationships. Behaviors and habits that are know you shouldn't be doing. The bottomline, everything comes with a price.
For my friend, the reward is being able to make a living off a sport. Compared to that goal, no price is to high to pay.
Is there a price that you aren't willing to pay?