Winning by losing?

And not one they you really want to cherish. That day, February 15, 2003, the NCAA Division III baseball team eked out a 5-4 win over Cal State-Monterrey Bay.
a loss becomes 10, 20 and ultimately 228. That was until Saturday,
when the Beavers carved out a 9-7 win over Pacific.
almost appropriately, a rookie on the mound who was never a part of
the losing, worked a complete game victory.
skid had stretched something like 3,640 days - essentially ten
years. Two-hundred and twenty-eight consecutive loses.
sure there were times they came close.
wrong pitch late in the game. The ball dropping in a gap. Maybe a
dribble up the line. A bad bounce through the infield. An overthrow,
a missed tag. Whatever it was. It was consistent.
having a monkey on your back. That's some kind of perseverance. That's almost
qualification for sainthood.
you stuck in a rut? Does it feel like you can't get beyond what you
were, and where you need to be?
Have courage. It's never usually a quick process.
more encouragement? You aren't the only one on the slow-track.
mother used to tell me it took Moses, 40 years. It actually took him
80. From the time he was born, till when he left Egypt and then when
he returned to rescue the captive Hebrews from Egypt. Then it took
another 40 years to lead them through the desert. Even then, he didn't
get to cross over the Jordan into Palestine.
There were 400 years or so of silence between the Old Testament and the New Testament, before God revealed himself.
dig in, concentrate on the process and just do it.
I forgot to tell you. Cal Tech hasn't won a conference baseball game
in 463 games. Or since the spring of 1988.
Get the point: Hang
on. It's gonna be a slow ride to your destiny.