Monday, May 29, 2006

Barry Bonds

So let the questions and doubt begin. Sunday afternoon Barry Bonds knocked number 715 out of the passed Babe Ruth and he’s seemingly locked into a collision course with 755 and Hank Aaron. One of baseball’s must hallowed milestones.
It’s a great moment sure, a secondary record, of course. Did you realize how little has been made of it. Even baseball doesn’t know what to make of it.
That’s because there’s a cloud that hangs over Bonds. A stigma that asks, “Did he or didn’t he?” I am not going to criticize Bonds or make him an example. I don’t know.
What I do know is this – the fact there are so many rumblings and questions make for a lot of doubt. Doubt that keeps you from being secure, that’s doubt that keeps you from being sold on the guy.
If you are leader who wants to make an influence on others, you can’t dabble in any behavior that creates doubt. If you are a pastor, that’s called avoiding the appearance of evil. It’s called integrity. Its that statement about you that keeps questions from forming around you.
Wise men count their steps and their words and understand what they want their life to stand for and then they conform to a standard.
That’s integrity.

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