Here you go NBC. Here's your chance to get back in the frey. After losing the NFL a few seasons ago, NBC has a lot to prove, It looks like that are well on their way. Here's what i liked about the first broadcast of Football Night in American and Monday Night Football.
The website is one of the most impressive I've seen. A perfect melding of audio, video, graphics and information complimenting a very aggressive production. Check it out for yourself at www.snfonnbc.com. You really need to get on and check it out, check back frequently.
Be sure you check out www.nbcsports.com too, a great source for NFL information including video pods.
What I like
Bob Costas - simply one of the best ever. He's always on his game and even a bad day is amazing.
Sterling Sharp - very good, understated. Very knowledgable and comes off well.
Al Michaels - like Bob Costas one of the best. There isn't much to say that hasn't already been said.
John Madden - some like him some don't. I think he's great. He loves the game, he's into the game, he's real and he's not bigger than the game. But could easily be.
Great graphics, the overall production was very impressive.
What I don't
Cris Collinsworth - I grew up a Cincinnati Bengals fan. I thought Collinsworth was pretty affable. Now I think he's trying to be clown of the group. His insights are limited, his quips sophomoric and as a former player with a lot so say he fails. Its as if he is trying to be the Terry Bradshaw of this group.
Pink - what a weak intro. Great voice. The song is crap
The name: Football Night in America. C'mon. Clearly a rip of from Hockey Night in Canada. Which its not. It's Sunday night, and its not even close to Monday Night Football and the hype that surrounded it. At least yet.
Not sure:
Jerome Bettis - didn't see enough to make a comment
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